My Comics reviews

Lunatic, reviewed

Two recent positive reviews for “Lunatic.” In the Boston Globe, Nina McLaughlin wrote on December 17: “Moonglow. Cambridge native Dan Mazur’s magic new book “Lunatic” (Ninth Art) is an elegant, moving wordless story of a woman’s ardent relationship with the moon. The illustrations move from her infancy to her adulthood, as she tilts her gaze upwards, dreamy and yearning, to see a companion peering back down at her. She devotes herself to its study at university, and launches herself towards it in more literal ways. The atmosphere of illustration shifts as time moves; Mazur, a co-founder of the Boston Comics Roundtable and the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo, uses ink washes, pencil and nib pen, acrylic paints, giving each lifestage a distinct energy. The main character has a force and vitality to her, and a solitude. There is ardor in her, and melancholy, too. Mazur takes her on an otherworldly journey, and opens us to the different incarnations intimacy and life meaning can take. He also offers a behind-the-scenes look at the process and decision-making that went into the making of the book, a compelling look at artistic choices for both artists and readers alike.”

On December 30, The Beat published “Everyone Should Be a Lunatic” by John Seven:

Blue Lobster My Comics News

“The Blue Lobster in ‘Ship-a-Hey'”

My new character, The Blue Lobster, makes his debut in issue 3 of “Boston Powers,” the kid-friendly, Boston-based superhero comic from Boston Comics Roundtable (which I also edited, so no wonder my story made it in!) You can buy it! Here:

Here’s a peek: page one!


First Live Appearance of the Pandemic!

Blue Lobster character studies Comics process


Here are the first sketches of the new character for my story which will appear later thie year, in the third issue of BOSTON POWERS:

Blue Lobster didn’t get the job!

My Comics News

Lunatic, now in L or XL

I got my copies of the “official” Fanfare edition of Lunatic, so I now have the book available in 2 sizes: the Fanfare version is 240 by 190 mm (about 8.5 x 7.5 inches). My first version was printed at 12 by 9 inches, so… bigger! I still have a few of those left for sale, the downside being it doesn’t have the 11-page “process” epilogue added for Fanfare. But they’re both $20 (plus $5 for shlepping and handling), so take your pick! Asking your local comics shop or bookstore to order it for you works too!

Order here – please specify which version you want (price is the same $20 = $5 shipping)

Please choose edition:
My Comics

Lunatic is Available!

Special Limited Edition or Fanfare edition….

My graphic novel/wordless book “Lunatic” will be published by Fanfare Presents and available in stores this winter; I’ll have copies this month, and it can be pre-ordered on Amazon as well.

But RIGHT NOW I have a copies of a Special Limited Edition, printed before Fanfare picked up the book. One feature of this version is that it’s printed at the actual art size (the book is 12″x9″). The regular edition will be slightly smaller (approx 9.5 x 7.5″). It’ll look great at that size too of course.

Relative sizes of Limited Edition (left) and Fanfare edition (right)

The trade-off is that there will be a 10-page “making of” section included at the end of the book when it comes out from Fanfare, which includes some of the process material found on this blog.

Relative sizes of a 2-page spread in the Special Edition (above) and Fanfare version (below)

Both editions are hardcover, and both will cost $20, plus shipping & handling ($5 in the U.S., contact me for overseas shipping). I don’t have many of the limited edition ones though!

LUNATIC SPECIAL EDITION (while they last!)


LUNATIC FANFARE EDITION (pre-order, coming soon)

My Comics News

Lunatic – coming soon

Comics process lunatic My Comics Process & studies

Lunatic Chapter 9 Process: Spatter, part 2

I’ve gone back and added a few pages to the final chapter of Lunatic,… a chance to do more spattering!



The globe-y thing in the middle is supposed to be casting light, so I want to shade the character’s clothing and face using ink-spatter. I mask off the areas that will NOT be shaded, using lots of little pieces of blue tape (and a piece of paper to block off the rest of the page):

Then pull out the old toothbrush-dipped-in-black ink and flick it at the paper a bunch of times:

Comics process lunatic My Comics

Lunatic Chapter 9 Process: Spatter!

For the last pages of this, the last chapter, I’m doing toothbrush ink spatter effects, for an alien/spacecraft that shows up (spoiler, sorry). Here are some process shots:

First the basic black ink on bristol. drawing, as the alien pulls the character toward the spacecraft:

Next I cut masks or stencils out of paper, and taped them over the page in the configuration I desired, to get the spatter effect around the alien & craft:

Then I dipped a toothbrush in white Kuratake ink, and (wearing surgical gloves), flick the ink over the paper:

Peel away the paper, and it looks like this:

(OH I didn’t document the process of getting that black spatter around the opening in the space-globe-thing, but it was about the same).

Getting very fussy now: I want to get that white “glow” around those objects, but I also don’t want the edge of the spatter to be too sharp, so I replace the paper mask, but peel back the tape for a slightly larger spatter area…

And repeat, another light dusting of spatter:


One last thing though. I wasn’t happy with the figure of the character, so I decided to redraw, first brushing black ink over:

Then re-draw it in white ink:

All done! Here’s a proper scan:

lunatic My Comics

Lunatic Chapter 8: some spreads

pages 1-2

pages 7-8

pages 11-12

pages 15-16